Sunday, February 23, 2020

White Chocolate Mojito Cheesecakes

Try these inspiring simple trifles. The addition of some melted white chocolate just gilds the lily.

The ingredient of White Chocolate Mojito Cheesecakes

  • 20g unsalted butter melted
  • 150g ginger biscuits we used ginger shortbread crushed in a processor
  • 1 2 cup 110g caster sugar
  • zest and juice of 3 limes
  • 100ml white rum
  • 1 cup mint leaves plus extra to garnish
  • 120g white chocolate chopped
  • 400g soft cream cheese
  • 1 cup 250g mascarpone cheese
  • 300ml thickened cream whipped
  • slivered unsalted pistachios to garnish
  • borage flowers optional to decorate
  • extra 1 thinly sliced lime to garnish

The Instruction of white chocolate mojito cheesecakes

  • stir melted butter into the biscuit crumbs until well combined press mixture into the base of 6 serving glasses use a cocktail muddling stick or the end of a rolling pin to pack down well chill in the fridge
  • bring sugar and 1 4 cup 60ml water to the boil in a pan stirring to dissolve sugar then simmer over medium low heat for 5 minutes until syrupy add lime zest juice rum and mint remove from heat set aside for 20 minutes to infuse
  • meanwhile place chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water dont let the bowl touch the water stir gently until melted then leave to cool
  • clean processor then add cheeses and whiz to combine strain syrup through a sieve pressing down to extract as much flavour as possible add syrup to processor and whiz to combine add chocolate and pulse 2 3 times until combined spoon into glasses chill for 1 hour to set
  • when ready to serve top each glass with some whipped cream garnish with lime slices slivered pistachios and extra mint then decorate with flowers if desired

Nutritions of White Chocolate Mojito Cheesecakes

calories: 909 156 calories
calories: 70 grams fat
calories: 45 grams saturated fat
calories: 51 grams carbohydrates
calories: 42 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: 11 grams protein
calories: n a
calories: 381 37 milligrams sodium
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calories: nutritioninformation
