Wednesday, September 9, 1970

Melon And Pineapple Ice Blocks

Summers in full swing, so slide over to the freezer for a frosty treat of melon and pineapple ice-blocks.

The ingredient of Melon And Pineapple Ice Blocks

  • 600g seedless watermelon
  • 1 4 350g honeydew melon
  • 3 4 cup pineapple juice

The Instruction of melon and pineapple ice blocks

  • using a melon baller scoop 6 balls from watermelon cut in half repeat with honeydew melon place 2 watermelon halves and 2 honeydew halves in each mould carefully pour 1 1 2 tablespoons pineapple juice into each mould donu2019t overfill
  • place lids on moulds freeze for 4 hours or until frozen serve

Nutritions of Melon And Pineapple Ice Blocks

calories: 39 913 calories
calories: 0 2 grams fat
calories: n a
calories: 8 6 grams carbohydrates
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: 0 5 grams protein
calories: n a
calories: 18 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation
