Sunday, April 26, 2020

Silverside, Cheese And Chutney Sandwiches

Use leftover silverside to make a tasty lunch for 2.

The ingredient of Silverside Cheese And Chutney Sandwiches

  • 4 slices multi grain bread
  • 2 tablespoons whipped butter
  • 2 tablespoons fruit chutney
  • 4 slices corned silverside
  • 2 iceberg lettuce leaves shredded
  • 2 slices swiss cheese

The Instruction of silverside cheese and chutney sandwiches

  • place bread slices onto a board spread 1 side of each piece with western star whipped and chutney
  • top 2 slices with silverside lettuce and cheese sandwich together with remaining bread cut in half wrap in wax or greaseproof paper or place into sandwich bags pack into lunch box near a cool drink

Nutritions of Silverside Cheese And Chutney Sandwiches

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