Friday, October 30, 1970

Frozen Lemon Meringue Parfait Recipe

Prepare this easy, no-bake lemon meringue dessert at least 1 day in advance to ensure there is enough time for the mixture to set.

The ingredient of Frozen Lemon Meringue Parfait Recipe

  • 425g bought lemon loaf cake
  • 600ml thickened cream
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind
  • 80g 3 4 cup lemon curd plus extra to serve
  • 100g meringues

The Instruction of frozen lemon meringue parfait recipe

  • lightly spray an 11 x 21 5cm base measurement loaf pan with oil line pan with plastic wrap smoothing out sides as much as possible trim all sides from cake and cut cake into 1cm thick slices cover base of prepared pan with half the cake slices reserving the remainder
  • use electric beaters to beat 450ml of the cream and the lemon rind until soft peaks form fold in the lemon curd reserve 40g meringues lightly crush remaining meringues fold the crushed meringue into the lemon mixture spread evenly over cake base top with remaining cake cutting to fit cover with plastic and freeze overnight until firm
  • beat remaining cream until firm peaks form invert loaf pan onto a serving plate dollop cream on top of the parfait top with reserved meringue lightly crushing some and drizzle over extra lemon curd

Nutritions of Frozen Lemon Meringue Parfait Recipe

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